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health:cancer [2019/08/10 20:50]
health:cancer [2019/10/26 20:54] (current)
marcos [Mutational Theory of Cancer]
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 ===== Abstract ===== ===== Abstract =====
 +Cancers differ in the causes that lead to the altered cellular replication machinery. ​ Cancer can arise from mutations in proliferation-related genes, including mutated proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes. ((https://​​scitable/​topicpage/​proto-oncogenes-to-oncogenes-to-cancer-883)). ​ Cancer can also arise from epigenetic rearrangement of DNA strands in the chromosomes,​ and from mitochondrial mtDNA mutations. ​ There are viruses that cause cancer ((https://​​scitable/​topicpage/​proto-oncogenes-to-oncogenes-to-cancer-883)). ​ Cancer stem cells form tumors of phenotypic and functional heterogeneity. ((Cancer stem cells (CSCs): metabolic strategies for their identification and eradication https://​​10.1042/​BCJ20170164))
 +Just as the cause of a cancer can be unique, the optimal treatment for each cancer can be unique. ​ This article reviews research for optimal treatment in respect to the afflicted organ or anatomy, because that is how cancer has been researched in the past.  Additionally,​ while the molecular cause of every cancer can be independent of location, overall health is affected when one bodily system is not functioning at capacity.
 +While mainstream treatments use chemo or radiotherapy,​ our focus is to find treatments that avoid harm and benefit normal cells, and exploit the weaknesses of cancer cells.
 Fasting is considered to be effective in protecting normal cell growth and also can induce selective apoptosis in cancer cells. Fasting improves cellular health and reduces lipid peroxidation by reducing oxidative stress. It also induces autophagy, removing muted or damaged proteins, thereby increasing oxidative stress tolerance. Various studies also report that chemotherapy in combination with fasting can help in the reduction of tumor based cells. Fasting also results in decrease of amino acids and low glucose level that enhance anti warburg effect that unable ATP generation that promote oxidative damage. ((The Warburg Effect: How Does it Benefit Cancer Cells? https://​​pmc/​articles/​PMC4783224)) Fasting-mimicking diets have also been applied to increase the effectiveness of therapeutic medicines. Fasting is considered to be effective in protecting normal cell growth and also can induce selective apoptosis in cancer cells. Fasting improves cellular health and reduces lipid peroxidation by reducing oxidative stress. It also induces autophagy, removing muted or damaged proteins, thereby increasing oxidative stress tolerance. Various studies also report that chemotherapy in combination with fasting can help in the reduction of tumor based cells. Fasting also results in decrease of amino acids and low glucose level that enhance anti warburg effect that unable ATP generation that promote oxidative damage. ((The Warburg Effect: How Does it Benefit Cancer Cells? https://​​pmc/​articles/​PMC4783224)) Fasting-mimicking diets have also been applied to increase the effectiveness of therapeutic medicines.
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 ===== Introduction ===== ===== Introduction =====
-Even in an optimal environment,​ cells are evolving mutations at a slow rate due to imperfections in the maintenance and replication ​of DNA.  Despite safeguards to maintain the original DNA sequence, including programmed cellular senescence, multi-cellular organisms become a mosaic of evolved cells, with the cells most fit to survive enduring. ​ Mutations are random in nature. ​ Most mutations are deleterious.+==== Mutational Theory ​of Cancer ====
-The very few mutated cells may be able to outcompete ​neighboring cells. ​ While these cells may have advantage over neighboring cells in terms of individual ​survival, they are not necessarily the most effective towards the overall health of the organism. ​ This is an aspect of the aging process. ​ In the case of cancer, the mutated cell proliferation will likely cause an organism'​s death.+Even in an optimal environment,​ cells are evolving mutations at a slow rate due to imperfections in the maintenance and replication of DNA.  Despite safeguards to maintain the original DNA sequence, including programmed self-destruction,​ multi-cellular organisms become a mosaic of evolved cells, with the cells most fit to survive enduring. 
 +Mutations are random in nature. ​ Most mutations are deleterious. ​ While the cell could continue to survive with some mutation, certain mutations will provide internal signaling to trigger self-destruction. ​ Cells are programmed with a fail-safe to suicide for the overall benefit of the organism, a process known as apoptosis. ​ However, some mutations do not trigger apoptosis. ​ Through mitosis, the mutated cells replenish dying cell neighbors with their own mutated copy. 
 +These very few mutated cells may in some way be able to out-compete ​neighboring cells. ​ While these cells could have advantage over neighboring cells in terms of competitive ​survival, they may not necessarily ​be the most effective towards the overall health of the organism. ​ This is an aspect of the aging process. ​ In the case of cancer, the mutated cell proliferation will likely cause an organism'​s death
 +Mutated cells can happen in different stages of life, and results in [[https://​​10.1016%2Fj.gde.2016.12.002 |clonal mosaicism]],​ including where different regions of the body have differing genomes.
 The imperfections in the machinery for DNA maintenance and DNA replication,​ could be more exact and fault tolerant. ​ However, a certain level of mutation is beneficial for the survival of a species in a changing environment. ​ Cancer and aging are products of the evolutionary process. The imperfections in the machinery for DNA maintenance and DNA replication,​ could be more exact and fault tolerant. ​ However, a certain level of mutation is beneficial for the survival of a species in a changing environment. ​ Cancer and aging are products of the evolutionary process.
-Cancers differ in the causes that lead to the altered cellular replication machinery. ​ Cancer can arise from mutations in proliferation-related genesincluding mutated proto-oncogenes ​and tumor suppressor genes. ((https://​​scitable/​topicpage/​proto-oncogenes-to-oncogenes-to-cancer-883)). ​ Cancer can also arise from epigenetic rearrangement of DNA strands in the chromosomesand from mitochondrial mtDNA mutations.  There are viruses that cause cancer ((https://​​scitable/​topicpage/​proto-oncogenes-to-oncogenes-to-cancer-883)). ​ Cancer stem cells form tumors of phenotypic and functional heterogeneity. ((Cancer stem cells (CSCs): metabolic strategies for their identification and eradication https://​​10.1042/​BCJ20170164))+Cells have evolved a very intricate and careful internal balance, and once the balance is tippedadditional ​mutations are more likely ​to occur, accelerating the evolutionary process.
-Just as the cause of a cancer can be uniquethe optimal treatment for each cancer ​can be unique. ​ This article reviews research for optimal treatment in respect to the afflicted organ or anatomy, because ​that is how cancer has been researched in the past.  Additionally,​ while the molecular cause of every cancer can be independent of location, overall health is affected ​when one bodily system is not functioning at capacity.+One of the mutations that may follow, can be the fail-safe ​that instructs ​the cell to suicide ​when internal sensors indicate instability.
-While mainstream treatments use chemo or radiotherapyour focus is to find treatments that avoid harm and benefit ​normal cells, ​and exploit ​the weaknesses ​of cancer cells.+Another mutation that may follow, is cell replication without the required signaling ​to do so.  For example, ​normal cells will not replicate when they are surrounded by neighbors. ​ A mutation may occur where replication / proliferation occurs despite contact inhibition. ​ These mutated cells are said to be cancerous. 
 +Cancer cells may also separate from their original tissuecirculate in the bloodstream,​ and take up residence elsewhere. ​ The migration is termed metastasis. 
 +Because ​of accelerated evolution in cancer cells, cancer is not a single disease, and treatment or finding a cure is more challenging. ​ However, because cancer cells have an insatiable appetite, required for proliferation,​ finding weaknesses in their energy metabolism may be a key to treatment. ​ ((Balaraman Kalyanaraman. 2017. Teaching the basics of cancer metabolism: Developing antitumor strategies by exploiting the differences between normal and cancer cell metabolism. https://​​10.1016%2Fj.redox.2017.04.018))
 ==== Warburg Effect ==== ==== Warburg Effect ====
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 In head and neck cancer, it’s been hypothesized that carbohydrate restriction and ketosis can be supportive treatments by protecting normal tissue while sensitizing tumor tissue to radiation and chemotherapy while simultaneously supporting body and muscle mass maintenance.32 There is currently an active clinical trial looking at a low carbohydrate diet in head and neck cancer patients. In head and neck cancer, it’s been hypothesized that carbohydrate restriction and ketosis can be supportive treatments by protecting normal tissue while sensitizing tumor tissue to radiation and chemotherapy while simultaneously supporting body and muscle mass maintenance.32 There is currently an active clinical trial looking at a low carbohydrate diet in head and neck cancer patients.
-=== Prevention === 
-Of all the food items explored in a 1991 Italian study, such as, milk, meat, cheese, carrots, green vegetables and fruit, fruit had the strongest statistical indication for being a preventative. ​ The top third of subjects reporting the highest fruit consumption had a risk ratio of 0.3, or less than one third as likely to have oral and pharyngeal cancer as the population. ((Carlo La Vecchia et al. 1991.  Dietary Indicators of Oral and Pharyngeal Cancer. https://​​10.1093/​ije/​20.1.39)) ​ <- Notice I'm using CSE-ish format! 
-Another study took blood samples from 25,802 subjects in 1974, and stored them in the freezer until 1991.  Of the 25,802 subjects, 28 cases had been diagnosed with oral and pharyngeal cancer. ​ The blood of the 28 cases was compared with controls from similar subjects, and was found to be lacking in micronutrients,​ particularly caretenoids and alpha-tocopherol. ​ As had been concluded in previous studies, smoking reduces blood micronutrients and increases the odds of cancer. ((Zheng et al. 1993. Serum Micronutrients and the Subsequent Risk of Oral and Pharyngeal Cancer. https://​​pubmed/​8428360)) 
 ==== Endometrial Cancer ==== ==== Endometrial Cancer ====
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 Mouse models have shown tumor inhibition, treatment enhancement,​ and prolonged survival in lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, and neuroblastoma. 43, 44, 45, 46 Mouse models have shown tumor inhibition, treatment enhancement,​ and prolonged survival in lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, and neuroblastoma. 43, 44, 45, 46
-In mice, fasting before radiotherapy offers a protective effect on normal cells, while simultaneously having a mild increase in pancreatic tumor cell death. ((https://​​science/​article/​pii/​S0360301619334212))+In mice, fasting before radiotherapy offers a protective effect on normal cells, while simultaneously having a mild increase in pancreatic tumor cell death. ((https://​​science/​article/​pii/​S0360301619334212)) ​ 
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health/cancer.1565470257.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/08/10 20:50 by marcos