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health:nutrition [2021/11/16 04:03] (current)
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 +====== Healthiest Diet ======
 +The healthiest diet is one which optimizes the amount of nutrients, and decreases the amount of toxins or [[https://​​wiki/​Antinutrient |antinutrients]].
 +===== Variation Based on Genetics and Microbiome =====
 +The paleolithic diet is by definition the healthiest diet, with the assumption that we evolved along with our diet, thus eating the foods that are most nutritious. ​ However, we did not stop evolving 10K year ago.  Many of our ancestor'​s lifestyles have not been that of hunter-gatherers for a long time.  There may be variation in what would be the optimal diet for humans, because there is genetic variation based on culture and individual genomes. ​ Eskimos, for example, are adapted to eating a high fat diet.  [[https://​​content/​349/​6254/​1343 |Greenlandic Inuit show genetic signatures of diet and climate adaptation, Fumagalli et al 20150918]] ​ Other individual variations in what may be an optimal diet, is based on an individual'​s microbiome, especially the gut flora, as there is a symbiotic relationship in processing and creating nutrients.
 +While there may be variation in optimal diet requirements,​ this article may seek to start with the average optimal diet and tailor it to suit individual needs.
 +===== Organisms Consume Other Organisms for Nutrition =====
 +While organisms can create their own energy through photosynthesis or chemosynthesis (see [[https://​​wiki/​Primary_nutritional_groups |primary nutritional groups]]), predators survive by consuming other organisms. ​ Predators in this sense, includes herbivores. ​ Humans are predators, consuming both vegetation and other predators.
 +All life is based on DNA, thus having similar nutritional needs. ​ Predators obtain their nutrition by consuming other DNA based organisms.
 +===== Optimal Diet For Humans =====
 +The optimal diet for humans, is based on the consumption of plants, fruits, and animals. ​ Refinement from this generalization is on a nutrient by nutrient basis.
 +The modern diet has too many empty calories: carbohydrates from processed grains and the starchy parts of plants (parts of plants dedicated to energy storage). ​ These foods are detrimental in part because consuming them reduces the overall levels of other nutrients consumed.
 +Modest research has been done to quantify the optimal levels of amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
 +Phytonutrients and myconutrients,​ while not considered essential, have benefits which are not fully understood. ​ There may be hundreds of thousands of different types. ​ For the sake of the optimal diet, which ones to take, in what amounts, and on what schedule is poorly understood.
 +==== Cooking Alters Nutrients ====
 +Cooking, especially at high temperatures,​ creates [[https://​​EPR-ROS/​index.html |reactive oxygen species]] that are carcinogenic,​ such as [[https://​​wiki/​Advanced_glycation_end-product |AGES]], [[https://​​wiki/​Heterocyclic_amine |HCAs]], and [[https://​​wiki/​Polycyclic_aromatic_hydrocarbon |PAHs]].
 +Cooking reduces the nutrition levels of many foods:
 +[[https://​​ARSUserFiles/​80400525/​Data/​retn/​retn06.pdf |USDA Table of Nutrient Retention Factors, 2007]]
 +[[https://​​nutrition/​cooking-nutrient-content |How Cooking Affects the Nutrient Content of Foods,]]
 +[[http://​​web/​20201030134730if_/​https://​​qa/​cooking-vegetables-destroy-fiber-content-value |Does Cooking Vegetables Destroy Or Diminish The Fiber Content Or Value? Franziska Spritzler, RD, CDE 20170413]]
 +Cooking also changes the nature of the fiber in cooked vegetables, as it breaks down and shortens fiber molecules. ​ [[https://​​11030475 |Dietary fiber content of commonly fresh and cooked vegetables consumed in India, Khanum et al 2000]] ​ There are individual cases where certain nutrients are more accessible in cooked vegetables, such as tomatoes, carrots, spinach, mushrooms, asparagus, cabbage, peppers, green beans, eggplant, brussel sprouts, and kale.
 +Ideally, I would know on a case by case basis, or which combinations of raw and cooked foods to eat in a day or week.  But I can venture that cooking foods is not a requirement for nutrition, and uncooked fruits and vegetables delivers the best quality fiber. ​ I can also venture that low temperature cooking and not overcooking is better.
 +==== Grains and Tubers Are Not Optimal ====
 +Grains and tubers are energy storage sources for plant growth. ​ In animals, fat is used for energy storage. ​ Grains and tubers are excessively high in carbohydrates compared to other nutrients.
 +While some whole grains provide good sources of dietary fiber, there is no reason to consume them.  "​Grains are not essential, and there is no nutrient in there that you can’t get from other foods." ​ [[https://​​nutrition/​grains-good-or-bad |Grains: Are They Good For You, or Bad?]]. ​ Grains are seeds, and seeds contain reserve energy for the growth of a new plant.
 +{{:​health:​carb-to-fiber-ratio-of-tubers.jpg?​direct|Carb to Fiber Ratio of Tubers}}\\
 +[[https://​​10.1016/​bs.afnr.2020.06.005 |source]]
 +==== Nutrition Density Score ====
 +While ignoring that some nutrients are optimal at a certain dosage, the nutrient density score ranks foods by the ratio of nutrients to the amount of energy a food supplies.
 +Note that GMO fruits and vegetables engineered for a larger size will have a lower nutrient density, compounded by the lower nutrient density in overworked, synthetically fertilized soil.
 +^Food Group ^ Nutrient Density Score ^
 +^Meat ^^
 +|Organ meats | 754 |
 +|Shellfish | 643 |
 +|Fatty fish | 622 |
 +|Lean fish | 375 |
 +|Eggs | 212 |
 +|Poultry | 168 |
 +|Red meats | 147 |
 +|Deli meats (processed) |  120 |
 +^Fruits and Vegetables ^^
 +|Vegetables | 352 |
 +|Fruits | 134 |
 +|Nuts | 120 |
 +|Dried fruits | 85 |
 +|Dairy Products ||
 +|Milk | 138 |
 +|Yogurt | 119 |
 +|Cheese | 101 |
 +^Starches and Grains ^^
 +|Legumes | 156 |
 +|Whole grains | 83 |
 +|Potatoes | 75 |
 +|Refined grains | 40 |
 +^Added Fats ^^
 +|Vegetable fats | 80 |
 +|Animal fats | 25 |
 +[[https://​​https://​​17585036 |source]]
 +[[https://​​pmc/​articles/​PMC6489166 |This other related study]] was funded by General Mills, probably in retaliation to the uprising nutrient density research which was threatening to ruin their profit model, so the [[sociology:​conflict-of-interest |results are not credible]].
 +==== Insulin Index and Satiety Score ====
 +When deciding on inclusion or exclusion of any food, these two metrics are worth looking up.  Note I chose the [[https://​​glycemic-index-load-versus-insulin-load/​ |insulin index instead of the glycemic index]].
 +{{:​health:​insulin-index-food-list.png?​direct&​600|Insulin Index for a List of Foods}}
 +[[https://​​app/​profile/​marty.kendall7139/​viz/​foodinsulinindexanalysis/​FIIallfoods |Source and Interactive Version]]
 +Of note is that oats are about the highest in the fullness/​satiety index/​score. ​ Steel cut oats,  definitely not instant oats as they are lots more processed. ​ Rolled oats, soaked for several hours, without cooking, are good as a cereal with plain yogurt and stevia leaf as a sweetener (see [[health:​zero-calorie-sweeteners]]).
 +Another strange case is that pasta has a [[https://​​pmc/​articles/​PMC5884373 |low insulin score]], even though it is a refined carbohydrate. ​ But take a look at the [[https://​​wiki/​Glycemic_load |glycemic load]] of pasta:
 +{{:health: glycemic-load.gif?​direct&​600|Glycemic Load}}
 +The reason for the high glycemic load is that a typical serving of pasta is a lot heavier than servings of other foods. ​ The above chart makes sense to me, since my intuition is that raw unprocessed whole foods are healthier.
 +The GI values look different than what I have seen.  How could science mysteriously change from 2002 to present data from current internet sources? ​ The chart is sourced from the former website of a current university professor, an excellent article itself:
 +==== What About Hormones in Meat and Dairy? ====
 +[[https://​​10.1111/​1365-2656.12095 |The evolution of the nutrient composition of mammalian milks, Skibiel et al 20130729]]\\
 +[[https://​​pmc/​articles/​PMC4524299 |Hormones in Dairy Foods and Their Impact on Public Health - A Narrative Review Article, Hassan Malekinejad and Aysa Rezabakhsh 201506]]
 +Dairy can cause acne in some individuals. ​ However, yogurt and cheese does not.  "In this meta-analysis we found a positive relationship between dairy, total milk, whole milk, low-fat and skim milk consumption and acne occurrence. In contrary, no significant association between yogurt/​cheese and acne development was observed." ​ [[https://​​science/​article/​abs/​pii/​S0261561418301663 |Dairy intake and acne development:​ A meta-analysis of observational studies, Aghasi et al 201906]] ​ However, looking at the chart, the precision of the results is underwhelming:​
 +{{:​health:​correlating-acne-with-yogurt-cheese.png?​nolink|Correlating Acne with Yogurt and Cheese}}
 +If you have the genetic ability to produce lactase, can you permanently become lactose intolerant if you go too long without having dairy? ​ I haven'​t found a 100% conclusive answer for this.  I have read that persons losing the ability to produce lactase underwent [[https://​​can-changing-the-microbiome-reverse-lactose-intolerance-114412 |trauma to the intestines]] such as antibiotics (an epigenetic phenotype). ​ Also, I read some literature that those who quit dairy for a long time, were able to reintroduce dairy slowly, but the statement was anecdotal.
 +"You can also buy meat that is raised without the use of any hormones. Interestingly,​ however, the amounts of steroid hormones in untreated and hormone-treated beef are virtually identical. It’s just that the animals that aren’t treated take a bit longer to mature. More to the point, the amount of hormones you ingest when you eat meat is miniscule compared to the hormones produced by your own body." ​ Coincidentally,​ fiber reduces circulating estrogen. ​ [[https://​​nutrition-diva |Monica Reinagel, MS, LD/N, CNS]]
 +While the commentary of one professional may not be conclusive, it's what I have found for now.
 +==== Related Articles ====
 +[[health:​ketogenic-diet |Ketogenic Diet]]
health/nutrition.txt · Last modified: 2021/11/16 04:03 by marcos