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health:pathogens [2021/11/16 04:03] (current)
marcos created
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 +====== Pathogens: Prevention and Treatments ======
 +===== Common Cold =====
 +==== Prevention ====
 +Some supplements such as garlic, may help prevent or shorten viral infections. ​ However, every viral strain is unique, so what may work for one strain may not work with another.
 +Other supplements to look into:\\
 +Astragalus Membranaceus1\\
 +Zinc and elderberry lozenges or syrup\\
 +https://​​supplements/​pelargonium-sidoides,​ except that the “vast majority” of studies were funded by a company that sells a patented extract. ​
 +==== Cough Suppresant ====
 +Theobromine in cocoa outperforms pharmaceutical based cough suppressants. ​ Pharmaceutical cough suppressants are not much more effective than placebo, and I have no idea why people keep taking them, despite the lack of evidence for efficacy.
 +==== Decongestant ====
 +Bromelain supplement may reduce congestion. ​ I wish more studies were done on it.
 +If your nose is completely stuffed up, and you can't sleep because breathing through your mouth doesn'​t work for you, you can use flonase (fluticasone),​ a nasal spray which is a corticosteroid. ​ If I have remembered the med correctly, it will clear up your sinus in seconds. ​ However, this medication works by reducing the work of your immune system. ​ You get [[https://​​articles/​10.1186/​s13054-019-2395-8 |twice the chance of dying or having pnemonia as a complication]] ​ Although, if you can't sleep, it may be the lesser of two evils.
 +If you have a CPAP nearby, it can force air through your nose, and keeps the drip at bay until you wake up a couple hours later and blow out a storm.
 +==== Intermittent Fasting ====
 +It may not be good to fast during a common cold, because of studies showing that cellular autophagy metabolism promotes viral reproduction:​\\
 +[[https://​​pubmed/​28463668 |Autophagy induction regulates influenza virus replication in a time-dependent manner]]\\
 +[[https://​​content/​93/​4/​e01984-18 |Autophagy Promotes Replication of Influenza A Virus In Vitro]]\\
 +However, different viruses may exploit different cellular machinery, so this conclusion may not apply to all viruses.
health/pathogens.txt · Last modified: 2021/11/16 04:03 by marcos