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health:screen-brightness [2019/08/01 20:55]
health:screen-brightness [2020/04/27 01:48] (current)
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-====== Bright Screens are Harmful to Your Eyes ====== 
-===== Blue Light Photons ​=====+====== Screen Brightness ====== 
 +===== Bright Screens are Harmful to Your Eyes ===== 
 +==== Blue Light Photons ====
 Screens may look nicer when their brightness is up, but the high intensity of light is harmful for your eyes. ((https://​​en/​content/​articlelanding/​2017/​IB/​c7ib00032d))\\ Screens may look nicer when their brightness is up, but the high intensity of light is harmful for your eyes. ((https://​​en/​content/​articlelanding/​2017/​IB/​c7ib00032d))\\
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 In order to reduce retinal nerve damage, the goal is to let in as little light into your eyes as possible, where you can still see the detail you need to see. In order to reduce retinal nerve damage, the goal is to let in as little light into your eyes as possible, where you can still see the detail you need to see.
-===== Reducing Concentrated Regions of Retinal Light Intensity ​=====+==== Reducing Concentrated Regions of Retinal Light Intensity ====
 The eyes can regulate the amount of incoming light through the [[https://​​wiki/​Pupillary_light_reflex |pupillary light reflex]], where the pupil contracts or dilates according to the summation of light intensity onto both retina. ((https://​​Does-peripheral-light-affect-the-pupillary-light-reflex-such-that-pupils-watching-TV-in-a-dark-room-will-be-slightly-wider-than-pupils-watching-TV-in-a-lit-room)) The eyes can regulate the amount of incoming light through the [[https://​​wiki/​Pupillary_light_reflex |pupillary light reflex]], where the pupil contracts or dilates according to the summation of light intensity onto both retina. ((https://​​Does-peripheral-light-affect-the-pupillary-light-reflex-such-that-pupils-watching-TV-in-a-dark-room-will-be-slightly-wider-than-pupils-watching-TV-in-a-lit-room))
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 For example, if you are watching a bright TV in a dark room.  As an extreme example, staring at the sun.  The opposite would be too dim of a display with intense ambient light, where peripheral nerves of the retina may be stressed. For example, if you are watching a bright TV in a dark room.  As an extreme example, staring at the sun.  The opposite would be too dim of a display with intense ambient light, where peripheral nerves of the retina may be stressed.
-===== Improving Visual Acuity ​=====+==== Improving Visual Acuity ====
 "As in a photographic lens, visual acuity is affected by the size of the pupil. Optical aberrations of the eye that decrease visual acuity are at a maximum when the pupil is largest (about 8 mm), which occurs in low-light conditions. When the pupil is small (1–2 mm), image sharpness may be limited by diffraction of light by the pupil (see diffraction limit). Between these extremes is the pupil diameter that is generally best for visual acuity in normal, healthy eyes; this tends to be around 3 or 4 mm." ((https://​​wiki/​Visual_acuity)) "As in a photographic lens, visual acuity is affected by the size of the pupil. Optical aberrations of the eye that decrease visual acuity are at a maximum when the pupil is largest (about 8 mm), which occurs in low-light conditions. When the pupil is small (1–2 mm), image sharpness may be limited by diffraction of light by the pupil (see diffraction limit). Between these extremes is the pupil diameter that is generally best for visual acuity in normal, healthy eyes; this tends to be around 3 or 4 mm." ((https://​​wiki/​Visual_acuity))
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 If you practice this from an early age, you will find that most people in the era-of-screens have limited vision in low light. ​ Manufacturers are starting to take note, with now common features such as screens with automatic brightness, and a blue-light cycle that follows the [[health:​circadian-rhythm|circadian rhythm]]. If you practice this from an early age, you will find that most people in the era-of-screens have limited vision in low light. ​ Manufacturers are starting to take note, with now common features such as screens with automatic brightness, and a blue-light cycle that follows the [[health:​circadian-rhythm|circadian rhythm]].
-===== Eye Strain (Asthenpia) ​=====+==== Eye Strain (Asthenpia) ====
 The physiology of eye strain, or asthenopia, is not fully understood. ((https://​​scholar?​q=related:​9epKqfJgBQUJ:​​scioq=cause+of+asthenopia&​hl=en&​as_sdt=0,​33)) The physiology of eye strain, or asthenopia, is not fully understood. ((https://​​scholar?​q=related:​9epKqfJgBQUJ:​​scioq=cause+of+asthenopia&​hl=en&​as_sdt=0,​33))
health/screen-brightness.1564692931.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/08/01 20:55 by marcos