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Antioxidants prevent cell damage from free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules created in the natural process of metabolism, and at an accelerated rate during exercise. Free radicals also form due to exposure from environmental sources such as cigarette smoke, air pollution or sunlight.

However, when it comes to antioxidants, they are not just purely beneficial:

Vitamin C supplementation can have overall good health effects 1) 2) when supplemented above the Dietary Reference Intake, but it reduces performance gains from exercising:

Low levels of CoQ10 has been associated with disease. Oral administration of CoQ10 has been frequently administered in treatment resulting in mild to significant symptomatic improvement.3)

Antioxidants and Aging

Humans can live longer under certain types of stress (an effect of hormesis). When our body is stressed it upsurges its defenses. This can be seen with exercise, with starvation, and with many toxins (what toxins? please specify).

At an older age, the body isn't doing it's best to protect itself from damage. It willfully allows the damage to accumulate. Defensive programming is turned off and decay is allowed to overtake us. 4) 5)

Humaira Sarfraz 2019/07/15
Marcos Reyes 2019/07/15

health/antioxidants.1563596896.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/07/20 04:28 by marcos